Healthy Oat Cookies
Here's a wonderful breakfast or back to school lunch box cookie. This Oat Cookie is a recipe from Healthy Mama blog. I love her wonderful recipes and healthy posts, check out her link and enjoy some of her wonderful inspiration! I would not use the bananas listed on her recipe, but would substitute an egg for more protein, and maybe add some walnuts or dried fruit too!
Summer is pretty much over, and it is back to school and back to our routines. We had a wonderful summer vacation, eating contraband foods and snacks all the way through. :) But, now it is time for me to get back on track and start preparing for lunches , after school snacks and family dinners.
I am going back to work as a dental hygienist in a few weeks, as well as going back to school and working on my BS degree. All this new excitement brings on a new energy and renewed commitment to my yoga, healthy eating and exercise. I am also compiling a cookbook and healthy tips book for family and friends due to come out this Christmas. So, wish me luck and strength in all my new endeavors!