Every year I put time and care into designing new and intricate cookies for Christmas. I love to share them with friends, so what better way to share the love than with a Christmas Cookie Exchange? I posted the invite to all my Facebook friends and had a wonderful response and gained a great assortment of cookies!
Join with me and start thinking of ways to let our life's events evolve into to a healthier place with mindful and intentional eating.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I love Thanksgiving! No matter how cold it is outside, it always seems like such a warm day. Maybe because the oven is on for hours, or maybe because family and friends are just present and relaxed. Thanksgiving presents no stress, no expectations and just a real sense of enjoyment.
I always "gotta" do the cooking on Thanksgiving, there is no meal more rewarding than the stuffed turkey being presented for all to fawn over! I put care and detail into every charger, place setting and agonize over just the perfect centerpiece. All my work reaps abundant rewards with the smiles and full tummies of family and friends! Here, you can enjoy the pics of the fruits of my labor....